Translating technical documents is no easy feat. They are often the bane of the translator with the complex terminology and industry-specific jargon, which can make them difficult to translate accurately. However, with the right approach and best practices, technical translation can turn into an efficient and effective translation.
Technical writing is more specific in its nature, requiring accuracy, clarity, and simplicity. When it comes to technical translation, translators need to follow the principles of technical writing to ensure consistent output regardless of the language. According to a study, technical translation is one of the leading forms of translation in terms of output, with more than 90% of all translated texts completed by technical translators.
Choose the Right Translator
The first step in translating technical documents is to choose the right translator. Technical translation requires translators with specialized knowledge and expertise in the relevant field. A translator with a background in engineering, medicine, or law, for example, would be better suited for translating technical documents in these fields. It is important to work with a translation agency that has a pool of qualified translators with technical expertise.
Provide Clear Instructions
To ensure accurate translation, it is important to provide clear instructions to the translator. This includes specifying the intended audience, purpose, and format of the document. Technical documents can be translated for different purposes such as internal use, regulatory compliance, or marketing. Providing clear instructions will help the translator to understand the context of the document and translate it accordingly.
Create a Glossary
Technical documents often contain specialized terminology and jargon. To ensure consistency in translation, it is recommended to create a glossary of key terms. The glossary should include the terms in both the source and target languages, along with their definitions and preferred translations. The glossary can also be updated and expanded over time as new terms are introduced.
Use CAT Tools
Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools can be highly beneficial for translating technical documents. CAT tools help the translator to work more efficiently by storing translations in a database for future use. This can save time and ensure consistency in translation. CAT tools also have features such as translation memory, terminology management, and quality assurance checks, which can improve the accuracy and consistency of the translation.
Consider Localization
When translating technical documents for a global audience, it is important to consider localization. Localization involves adapting the translation to the target audience’s cultural and linguistic preferences. This can include changes in language, currency, units of measurement, and cultural references. Localization can improve the readability and effectiveness of the translated document.
Review and Proofread
Finally, it is important to review and proofread the translated document. A second pair of eyes can catch errors and ensure accuracy in translation. It is also recommended to have a subject matter expert review the translated document for technical accuracy and terminology consistency.
In conclusion, translating technical documents requires a specialized approach and best practices. Choosing the right translator, providing clear instructions, creating a glossary, using CAT tools, considering localization, and reviewing and proofreading are all important steps in ensuring accurate and effective translation of technical documents. By following these best practices, translation agencies can provide high-quality technical translation services to their clients.