
Translation + QA


  • information only translation; not for publication;
  • cheapest and fastest human translation workflow;
  • often used for urgent projects;
  • basic QA checking.


Translation + Editing + QA


  • document for final users;
  • translator required to check own work (integral revision);
  • professional revision by subject matter specialist;
  • more detailed QA checking;
  • not suitable for urgent projects
  • most popular workflow.


Translation + Editing + Proofreading + LSO


  • suitable for documents to be published;
  • professional translation by subject matter specialist;
  • revision by independent linguist (also a subject matter specialist);
  • monolingual review in target language by subject specialist.

We can also provide separate services (from the above-mentioned packages) or other additional services, such as:

LSO (Linguistic Sign-off), DTP (Desktop Publishing), Revision, Testing and Bug checking, Game and software localization, Glossaries/Translation memories Alignment, Transcription and Transcreation, Interpreting, Notary legalization.)