Each of us is responsible for environment protection and, therefore, Publitrad has an active participation in reducing the carbon footprint by a healthy and durable lifestyle, in complete harmony with nature.
Considering the worrying development of climatic changes and the increasingly high levels of pollution, all our employees are an active part of the ecological management applied in our company for many years, being aware that our actions will contribute to reduced harmful emissions.
We have come to realize that only the adoption of a sustainable approach is the best way to participate in the environment preservation, in order to ensure a “green future” for our children. Many companies were limited to solely adopting in their activity some minimum measures, but this is not enough. We must go beyond appearances and make an individual and serious commitment to the environment where we operate.
Having the binding commitment to reduce the carbon footprint, we have embarked on a number of ecological measures aiming to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment.
Energy saving: a first step towards carbon footprint reduction
This was one of the firsts measures adopted with the intention of saving energy while helping to preserve the natural resources.
By changing the classic light fittings in favor of other fittings using environmentally friendly lightbulbs having a low power consumption, as well as by powering off the electronic equipment when not in use, we managed to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle in our company.
Respecting the renewable resources by a recycling process
We must also mention the measures adopted for an efficient use of paper, a resource which is often lost in a completely irresponsible manner, with a significantly negative environmental impact.
Therefore, we decided that the sole use of recycled paper is not enough, even if this is the first measure undertaken to this effect, and we have taken an important step forward at Publitrad offices. We tried to reduce the paper consumption by using electronic invoices, active recycling and restricting the printing sessions to what is necessary.
Publitrad’s recycling policies
Of course, in order to reduce waste, besides the correct recycling of paper and plastics in our offices, Publitrad employees have personalized mugs for those moments when they need a coffee break. We have almost entirely eliminated the need to use disposable containers, and the break moments seem to be family moments.
Moreover, we make sure that any equipment, toner cartridge, batteries and other generated waste are duly recycled in order to avoid environmental contamination.
We know that a correct waste management is essential in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, and we strictly follow the recycling standards.
Publitrad’s headquarter – a green, ecological space
Given the location of Publitrad offices, we use to the fullest the bioclimatic architecture advantages in order to save energy, and this is another example of the ecological measures adopted in our company.
Finally, we encourage the use of public transport services by our employees for a maximized contribution to the reduction of carbon footprint.
Furthermore, we are trying to use only proximity raw material and resources, so that they have a minimum impact and to protect the environment in all our daily activities.
Today, we can proudly say that our employees actively contribute to the creation of a durable and respectful workplace environment, respecting the proposed objectives for reducing the carbon footprint.